Medical Imaging is hosted by the Center for Image Sciences (CIS) of the UMC Utrecht and is directly linked to the PhD programme Medical Imaging: ImagO of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. Topics for research projects will be related to ongoing research of the CIS groups. During your project you will be supervised by PhD candidates or post-docs from our enthusiastic and international staff. Their research groups are renowned for their work on key issues in the field of medical imaging within a multidisciplinary setting. They publish widely in the most prestigious international journals.
The Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS), a joint effort of Utrecht University and the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMC Utrecht), brings together all Master’s programmes in life sciences and natural sciences. Master’s and PhD programmes offered by the GSLS combine theory with practical training, ensuring a consistently high standard of training for all our students. This multidisciplinary approach is unique in the Netherlands and has gained international renown for research in (bio)medical and life sciences.
Mentoring system
During your research projects, you will be supervised by a tutor – a staff member from one of the participating research groups in the Master’s programme.
Utrecht University also offers you excellent facilities to make your studies more successful and your stay more pleasant.